UPDATE – This presentation took place on October 31, 2013. You can check it out here (Julie is introduced at around 3:30):
Contents of Video:
- 0 – 4:00 Minutes – Introduction by MMA Board Member, Michael Sciulla
- Adrienne Gang of Bravo TV’s “Below Deck” is introduced at 3:00
- Julie Perry is introduced at 3:35
Julie’s presentation begins at 4:00:
- 4:00 to 6:38 – Intro
- 7:00 – 8:13 – About Bravo TV’s #BelowDeck
- 8:15 – 9:24 – Overview of talk
- 9:25 – 17:00 Why Reality TV?
- 17:01 – 20:15 What Shows Exist?
- 20:17 – How your marketing campaigns can use Reality TV shows as a vehicle for taking advantage of both inbound & outbound opportunities—online and off:
- 20:17 – 22:05 – Paid Advertising via Broadcast (outbound)
- 20:06 – 26:20 – Paid Advertising via Digital Media using Networks’ websites (outbound)
- 26:20 – 31: 31 – Second-Screen Media Consumption
- 31:32 – 38: 57 – Paid Advertising via Digital Media, including opportunities via Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Pinterest
- 39:00 – 45:40 – Inbound Marketing vs. Outbound Marketing Definitions and Activities
- 45:40 – End – Content Marketing (inbound)
And the PowerPoint slides are here:
Original Post:
Thursday, October 31st, I will be presenting on the topic of using marine-related Reality TV as a marketing vehicle at the annual Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show luncheon held by the Marine Marketers of America and Boat Writers International organizations. The focus of my talk will be to explore Reality TV marketing opportunities, and more specifically, how to tap into and harness the audiences of these shows using paid advertising (online and off) and content marketing via digital channels.
I will demonstrate how low-budget reality television shows like Bravo’s hit series, Below Deck —which are tied to integrated websites with full-episode repeats of original programming— now offer cost-effective media opportunities, both paid and organic. And indeed, hitching your wagon (boat trailer?) to the online hype around such shows as Below Deck will be covered.

The Cast of “Below Deck.” Come meet Adrienne Gang, the Chief Stewardess on the show, at this Thursday’s MMA & BWI luncheon!
But Bravo’s Below Deck is not the only marine-related reality show in existence. In fact, we’ll take a look at some others such as Discovery’s Deadliest Catch, National Geographic’s Wicked Tuna, and The History Channel’s Swamp People.
My talk at Thursday’s event will appeal to both marketers pushing outbound advertising as well as to writers focused on inbound strategies such as content marketing.
As an added plus, one of the stars of Below Deck, chief stewardess Adrienne Gang, will be on hand to lend a little celebrity to the event.
Here is the agenda for the talk:
- Why Reality TV?
- What Marine-Related Reality Shows Exist? (And what might be coming down the pike?)
- How your marketing campaigns can use Reality TV shows as a vehicle for taking advantage of both inbound & outbound opportunities—online and off:
- Paid Advertising via Broadcast (outbound)
- Paid Advertising via Digital Media (inbound & outbound)
- Inbound vs Outbound Marketing Activities
- Content Marketing (inbound)
Here is the official press release:
Marine Marketers and Boating Writers Get “Below Deck” Look at Reality TV and Digital-Media Platforms during Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show
Fort Lauderdale, Fla. – Sept. 16, 2013 – The prospect of using reality television such as Bravo’s new hit series, Below Deck, both as an advertising and marketing vehicle for marine businesses and as a platform to grow boating will be explored on Oct. 31 from 12 noon to 2 p.m. during the opening day of the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show (FLIBS).
A takeoff on the British television series Downtown Abbey and Upstairs, Downstairs, Below Deck chronicles the adventures of the crew of the 164-ft. M/Y Honor and their charter guests. The audience for this eight-episode reality series climbed from 1.1 million viewers when it was first launched to 1.8 million viewers during its last episode. Based on the success of the first season, Below Deck has been renewed for a second season.
Co-produced by Marine Marketers of America (MMA) and Boating Writers International (BWI), the luncheon event will feature a presentation by author and digital-media marketing expert, Julie Perry. Her yachting-career guidebook, “The Insiders’ Guide to Becoming a Yacht Stewardess,” was a must-read resource for members of the Below Deck crew during filming.
Below Deck star and chief stewardess of the M/Y Honor, Adrienne Gang, is slated to be on hand.
Perry, who many in the boating industry may recall as the ground-breaking anchor for the online video series and podcast, The Boaters TV, will focus on just how cost-effective advertising has become with the advent of cable television serving targeted markets with relatively low-budget reality shows tied to integrated websites with full-episode repeats of original programming. Now a digital-media marketing consultant after spending over three years as VP of digital agency, BLASTmedia, Perry will also cover other digital-media marketing opportunities from placing social media ads on platforms like Facebook to running pre-roll video ad spots on popular online video sites such as YouTube.
This gathering of the marine industry’s top communications professionals will be held in the Grandview Room of the Bahia Mar Resort. The event is co-sponsored by Info-Link and FLIBS.
Advance registrations will be available Oct. 1 at www.marinemarketersofamerica.org. Current BWI and MMA members are eligible for a reduced rate of $30 when paying in advance using PayPal. The cost is $35 for those paying at the door and for non-members. BWI and MMA members who wish to attend but do not want to have lunch may do so at a cost of $5.
About Marine Marketers of America
Marine Marketers of America is a professional development organization working to enhance the success of marketing and communications professionals involved in the recreational marine industry. The association was established in 2007.
About Boating Writers International
BWI is a non-profit, professional organization consisting of writers, broadcasters, editors, photographers, public relations specialists and others in the communications profession associated with the boating industry.
# # #
Join Us on Thursday, October 31st from Noon to 2PM!
If you will be at the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show this week, please join me on October 31 in the Grandview Room of the Bahia Mar Resort as I reveal how both marketers and content creators/writers can benefit from using inbound and outbound digital media tactics to reach targeted audience and prospects. You are able to register here (you don’t have to be a member of the hosting organizations), or let us know you’ll be coming on the Facebook Event Page. The $35 fee includes lunch. :)
I hope to see you there!
Thinking I should have worked harder to extend my family vacation in Florida and made it down for this presentation. I’m sure it will be an interesting and informative discussion.