Welcome to the World of the Rich and Famous…
Travel, Adventure, and Multi-Million-Dollar Yachts
If the terrific pay and benefits that come from accompanying celebrities and dignitaries on their private journeys around the world appeals to you, consider Julie Perry your new career coach.
In the book, THE INSIDERS’ GUIDE TO BECOMING A YACHT STEWARDESS: Confessions from My Years Afloat with the Rich and Famous, seasoned travel professional Julie Perry weaves step-by-step practical guidance on how to get a job aboard a super or mega yacht with witty and “confessional” anecdotes from her own former days as a stewardess out on the high seas of luxury.
Part career guide, part travelogue, this book not only offers insight into the private domains where royalty, celebrities, and billionaires vacation, it also tells readers exactly how they, too, can become a part it all.
“The awesome opportunity that exists to work aboard luxury yachts is one of the best-kept secrets around. While my book focuses on interior crew positions, there are also tips on how to break into the industry for the full range of entry-level positions: deckhands, steward/esses, engineers, and chefs.” – Julie Perry, Author
The Insiders’ Guide to Becoming a Yacht Stewardess is for readers who:
- want to travel abroad (and have someone else pay for it!)
- are on a quest to make and save great money (in most yacht jobs, you have little to no living expenses!), while also living life to the fullest
- are fresh out of school and looking for adventure
- desire to explore a less conventional career path
- want to rub elbows with some of the richest and most powerful people on the planet
- love the sea and desires a break into the maritime industry
- seek to boost their confidence and enlarge their worldview
- have a background in hospitality and is looking for a new way to apply it. (Or has none whatsoever, but thinks they’d be great at it!)
- are looking to build skills that will help in future land-based maritime or hospitality careers
- are already working aboard yachts and wants to improve their skills

© Suki Finnerty Yachting Today TV
From the pay to the people to the travel and adventure, this clever and entertaining career guide covers all the perks that make luxury yachting such a dynamic and incredible career path.
Based on Perry’s own work experience and interviews with yachting industry experts and recruiters, The Insiders’ Guide to Becoming a Yacht Stewardess delivers all the exclusive advice one needs to get started—and succeed!—as an entry-level yacht crewmember.
Whether you are coming on as a steward/ess, deckhand, assistant engineer, or chef, this book covers all you need to know, including:
- An easy-to-follow Quick Start Guide outlining each separate step toward landing a yacht crew job
- Suggested courses to enroll in as entry-level crew and how to fund them
- Resource lists and contact information for crew recruiting agencies, crew training schools, and crew housing options in the U.S., Europe, and Australia
- Insider tips on how and where to network in the hub hiring ports around the world
- Recommendations to help fund a job hunt and conduct a yachting job search online
- Putting together a winning résumé/CV, how to prepare for and handle interviews, how to choose a job once applicants have been bombarded by employment offers… and even how to make the necessary transitions to life-at-sea!
“Many people don’t realize that they already possess skills that are essential to working on a yacht,” Perry says. “Anyone trained in hospitality, auto mechanics, massage, culinary arts, or a number of other things could easily make the transition to a career in yachting.”
Chock-full of candid and colorful stories, this humorous, yet informative career guide is dedicated to making any person’s journey into yachting as easy and hassle-free as possible… no matter what their background!
Says Perry, “Trust me, if a non-bed-making, non-laundry-doing, hardly-ever-cleaned-her- room-during-adolescence, scatterbrain from landlocked Indiana can do it, anyone can!”
The Insiders’ Guide to Becoming a Yacht Stewardess: Confessions from My Years Afloat with the Rich and Famous – 2nd Edition
Author: Julie Perry
Morgan James Publishing, August 1, 2013
368 Pages
Career Guide, Boating, Hospitality, Travel & Tourism
ISBN # 978-1-61448-785-2
Paperback / 9.2 x 6.1 x 0.8 inches / Retail: $24.95 US
Media Contact: Julie Perry, Work On A Yacht, LLC, Info(at)WorkOnAYacht.com